Our Services


Mobile App Development

For mobile app projects, we’re equipped with a team of native developers - as we’ve found that native code is hard to beat in terms of quality of the end-product. If cross-platform development is important to your initiative, we’re happy to accommodate cross-platform development with Google’s “Flutter” technology.

Mobile app development presents unique challenges compared to building a feature-rich website. The App Store and Google Play Store have compliance requirements that might affect your app that could prevent it from getting approved for sale on the stores. Apps are a competitive landscape and knowing the latest trends in product psychology and design patterns help make your app ‘stick’ with your users is important as well. We take all of this into account, and put ourselves in the shoes of you and your customers when taking a human-first philosophy towards app development.

Our team has experts in a variety of development stacks, and we know what tech is the best fit for different ideas and business models. We’re here to guide you as your technology partner, and will recommend what tool is right for the job.

iOS app development

Native iOS app development, or writing code with Swift, adheres to Apple’s standards and leads to the most robust, scalable, polished, and smooth end-product as possible. For this reason, we’ve built out a team of senior Swift developers that are equipped to build even the most complex native iPhone and iPad applications.

We take pride in having your end product work as beautifully as it looks, both in the code you can see, and with what happens behind the scenes. Perhaps most importantly, we strive to have ‘pixel perfection’ when implementing your designs. We’re picky as customers and demand the best. Why should your app be any different? We achieve this by having our designers and developers working together on an integrated multidisciplinary team that combines both right and left sides of the brain.

Android app development

Logictex native Android app developers are equipped to build Android apps from-scratch in the Kotlin language. The best Android apps follow Google-led design guidelines and principles, which we bring to each Android product we work on.

With so many different Android devices in the world, it is vital to test your Android app on a variety of devices and operating systems to ensure the user experience is consistent across the fragmented Android ecosystem. With an emphasis on ease-of-use, being true to the intended design, and having a focus on regular testing, our senior Android developers ensure that your end-product is magical.

Cross-platform flutter app development

While many cross-platform development languages promise more than they can deliver - and are typically used by web development specialists who would love to be able to sell mobile app services as well - we’ve become extremely impressed with Google’s own cross-platform language, Flutter.

For this reason, we’ve expanded our service offering to include Flutter as a cross-platform language that we are equipped to offer to our clients when a native app experience isn’t needed. If cross-platform development is a business requirement, or if you have a simple enough User Interface and feature stack that we believe Flutter can adequately handle, we’ll guide you down this path as a fantastic cost-saving option.

Cross-platform app development with Flutter allows your app to be distributed to both Apple and Android app stores with a single code-base: bringing the time (and cost) to develop your app down by anywhere from 30-50%.

Enterprise mobile app development

When building a mobile app as an established business, our first task is to analyze your business requirements and determine the best tech-stack we can bring to the table. Is native iPhone or Android development right for you? Or, is there a path to solving your problem with a cross-platform mobile app, or perhaps even a responsive web-app to keep costs down and deploy your solution to more devices at once?

Then, following this up with a SolutionLab blueprinting and roadmapping session, our team of consultants ensures your feature set is mapped out in granular detail with a precise understanding of the price per feature that can be tailored to a budget that you define.

Partnering with Logictex means quality, value, and attentiveness that has earned us the title of top-rated app firm in the Southeast. Schedule a call with us today to discuss your project.

We start with understanding your requirements. We will assign the team that works on the discovery process to refine your requirements. Our UI/UX design team will convert requirements into wireframes and clickable visual designs. You can review the wireframes and provide feedback. Once you approve the design, we will start developing the application in milestones. Testing and development will go hand in hand. Once the app is built and tested, we will publish it in the app store.
When you want to develop a mobile app for your business, you need to choose the right app development approach based on your requirement. The native approach requires a separate team of developers for iOS and Android apps, whereas in the cross-platform approach a single team will build apps on both platforms. When deciding between native vs. cross-platform, key considerations include the type of app and its functionalities, your budget, target audience, and preferred device type.
The cost of app development depends upon various factors such as the type of app, features, and design needed in the app, whether it is a consumer app or business app, Location, App complexity: API integration, and several other factors.
The time to design and develop mobile apps depends mainly on the size of an app, the feature list, and the framework used. Complex and heavy apps that have multiple screens and functionality require more time to build than apps with a narrow scope.